Friday, January 10, 2014

Setting Goals for Yourself & Your Students in the New Year

This past week, I've been setting goals with my students for the new year.  This doesn't necessarily have to be associated with the new year, that was happenstance, but it is something I like to do often to help them have a focus and a deadline and a specific thing to work toward.

As teachers, it is equally important that we set goals for ourselves for improving our playing and our teaching skills.  There are always new ideas to try and we can always get better, no matter how good we already are!

So, while we are all in new year's resolution mode, I thought I'd share again some past posts about setting goals: one to help students with setting and reaching practice goals, and one that talks about setting goals for yourself as a teacher.



1 comment:

  1. Goal setting is really important, thanks for sharing. It's one of the elements of expert practice - the more clear the goals are, the more focused the practice, and the better the results are in the students. It's magical, really. We advocate that all of our students set goals in the many different types of music lessons students can take. Thanks for posting!
